Nickname: MisaMeow
Age: 13
Relationship: Single and forever alone
Location: Malaysia
Loves: Kawaii, random thingy, Japanese, Anime, eroge games, hentai, yuri, ecchi, tears, photoshop, sad things and shojo.
Hates: Awkward moment, people that think that they are perfect, ugly Malay Cartoon that have an nonsense story, People that always complaining, arrogant famous blogger,
People that didn't know what roleplaying means, judgying, retarded feeling, Upin Ipin, blogger that never reply people's comment, people that always show off thier 'pretteh' face and the
Hobbies: Drawing, reading, blogging, decorating, coding, crying, wasting my time, trying new things, being lonely(like always), surfing internet and stares at the sky..
Favourite color: Black, dark, soft pink, soft red and grey.
RULES in this blogif you don`t want to follow these rules, you can go away from this blog
1. JANGAN complain atau kutuk blog aku dan aku aku sekaliNanti ko yang 'kene' balik :D (DON'T complain or condemn me and my blog
2. Anonymous? ehh shuh shuh aku benci Cik/Encik Anon~
ia langsung TIDAK DIBENARKAN sama sekali ;)(Anonymous? ehh I hate mr/mrs Anon) 3. Tolong tinggalkan kan link blog korang kat shoutbox :P jangan lupa tau [!](Please don't forget to leave your link in my shoutbox [!]) 4. Pfftt aku bukan nak mintak perhatian orang bilaaku post benda sedih sedihh pasal hidup aku..suka hati aku lahh blog akuu..(Pfft I'm not looking for attention when I'm posting a sad things about my life)5. JANGAN jadi copycat , jangan kaw sekali kali curikgambar-gambar kat blog aku niey~(DON'T being a copycat, and don't try to steal those pictures in my blog
thats all, sorry if these word is rude to you =_=
kay bye :D